flytoplaces is an app for pilots who fly their own aircraft

Destinations, directory of aircraft mechanics (A&Ps), listings of fly-ins and shows, airport restaurants, fly-in resorts, romantic weekend getaways and AI powered itinerary generator to epic adventures, all within reach with whatever you fly!



As seen in...
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More than 691,700 active pilots in North America,
They access 10X more airports than airports served by airlines.
Through flytoplaces, they discover unbelievable off the beaten path destinations...

destinations, aviation events, shows, directory and more

flytoplaces puts essential resources such as A&Ps in your fingertips, it's a guide and directory like no other for pilots

Swiftly bookmark your fav

Track your destinations and directory items, and pull up a geo-tagged list with just a couple of clicks. No more hunting through messages. No more losing bookmarks.

Curated trips

Dozens of collections to help you discover a whole new world.

Crowd Sourced Directory

Entered by pilots like you, better than going down the search rabbit hole.

Easy bookmarks

Bookmark directory items, trips and more for swift access.

AI Powered Itineraries

Generated for you by season, duration and mission for any location.

Trusted by pilots across North America

flytoplaces app has best in class app retention because it was built for pilots, by pilots


App Store app average review

App updates are kept fresh with features that pilots suggest to make it more useful.


of listings and destinations

1000s of destinations and directory listings in the app, and growing everyday.


of aviation events, shows...

Even national events like boat shows, food festivals, golf events, and more.


most features are free after download

New destinations and directory added everyday.

Don't fly in the dark.

Use the flytoplaces app to access a directory of A&Ps, avionics shops and instructors geolocated to you so you are never stranded

A&P Directory

Easily pull up a directory of A&Ps, instructors, avionics shops and more.

AI Itineraries

Create itinearies using AI powered tools customized for your mission.

Don't take our word for it

Arthur Billingsley
Twin Cessna 310 Pilot

As an entrepreneur who files routinely for business I'm always looking for airports with crew cars and restaurants in the field. The flytoplaces app is the only app that has these easily accessible.

Sylvio Roy
Piper PA-28R-200 Pilot

I'm a retired Air Canada captain and I love to discover new destinations for Voyage Writers. The flytoplaces app is a delight to use as it helps me discover getaways.

Brad Wolansky
Seneca PA-34-220T Pilot

I have a place on Cat Island (Bahamas) and was looking to source A&Ps here and in the US for help if I am ever AOG. The A&P directory in flytoplaces gives me peace of mind.

Get a list of free top 10 pilot getaways

Top fly-in resort, fly-in restaurant, beach destination, fall destination and more, delivered to your inbox.

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